Minimalist lifestyle

Exhibition Design
Location: Hong Kong Western District Public Cargo Working Area

Jennifer Yeung
Li Siying Alice
Li JingminCarol
Wong Man Kei Maggie

According to the Journal of Consumer Research materialism is a consistent contributor to loneliness. This exhibition is inspired by a concept from Hideko Yamashita,  Danshari (断捨離) (だんしゃり), which is to cut, to abandon, to leave the Materialistic mindset.

Levels of achieveing a
minimalist lifestyle:
Let go to gain more
< Spiritual
Make choices
< Mental
Tidy up
< Physical
Learn to realize
< Physical

Design Concept:

Walkthrough of the exhibition is a single path designed root, three levels of the opacity of building materials are used in different themes and stages, to give the audience unique spatial experiences.  

Stage 1: Introduction of Concept

Introduce the concept of Minimalist Lifestyle

Stage 2: The Phenomenon

Over consumption in Hong Kong
Excessive hoarding
Videos and figures

Transition to Stage 3,4

Enter Home Setting

Stage 3: Organising

Physical Display: Clothes
To interact and learn organizing tips

Physical Display:  Virtual book
Video of folding method based on Maire Kondo method

Stage 4: Lifestyle

Conventional Area:
For companies and invited speakers

Show Rooms of minimalist:
Bedroom of Joshua Fields Millburn
The lounge area of Jenny Mustard
Room of Steve Jobs

Interactive station:
Quiz: How minimalist are you?
Game : DIY you minimal home

Stage 5 Stage of gaining

Feedback walls